Measurement tool
In version 3.4.2 on request of number of users new tool has been added into MapIt. The ‘Measurement tool’ allows to measure distances and areas without the need to create a feature. To activate...
In version 3.4.2 on request of number of users new tool has been added into MapIt. The ‘Measurement tool’ allows to measure distances and areas without the need to create a feature. To activate...
Usually to generate mbtiles we do require some 3rd party software, however there is one method which at the end does require only one command to be executed and we can create mbtiles from...
Possibility to navigate to feature has been introduced in MapIt 3.3.4. To start navigation you need to be on ‘Edit Feature’ screen and press the arrow symbol on the toolbar: This tool is NOT a full...
Open Street Map is the world’s biggest open source mapping project and is now well recognised mark by anyone who is interested in mapping of any kind. In addition to ArcGIS Tiled map services...
Possibility to import/export an attribute set together with it’s values has been requested by number of users and now it’s possible with MapIt 3.2.2. JSON structure has been chosen as the exchange format as...
Project point method for adding points can be used in conjunction with any range finder which measures horizontal distance and true bearing to a target. In the example below we will construct a line using...
MapIt GIS is generally free to use, however to unlock the full potential and use it as a production tool update to MapIt Pro Extension is recommended. MapIt Pro – enables for a small price...
GPS Tracking is available from application version 3.1.0 but MapIt Pro extension is required to use this feature. This tool is allowing creation of the line and polygon features using GPS tracking. It’s very useful tool...
Backup management is a feature added in version 3.1.0 however MapIt Pro extension is required to use this feature. The tool allow creation of a snapshot in time for current core database and saves...
Orthometric Height in “Mapit->Survey Settings” is available for Mapit Pro users and has been added to allow recording of altitude as orthometric height which approximates so called global mean sea level and represents local vertical datum...
In number of emails I have been asked how to create an offline map from geo-referenced image. Please follow this article to create .mbtiles file ready to use with MapIt from an image. We...
MapIt offline extension is allowing to use prepared earlier basemaps when there is no Internet connection available. Please follow this guide to create .mbtiles file which you can then use as an alternative base map. There is...
Offline maps & Mapbox is part of Mapit Pro extension allowing users to use offline .mbtiles file and access maps from Mapbox platform. Offline maps To use an offline map in Mapit you need...
From version 2.0.0 of MapIt on you can collect Polygon and Line features additionally to Point features. The whole process is very simple and allows the collection of multiple features per layer. Without valid “Line...
In version 1.5.5 the possibility to import values for particular fields has been added. This function was requested by several users and is useful if you need to create surveys with long lists of...