Offline maps & Mapbox
Offline maps & Mapbox is part of Mapit Pro extension allowing users to use offline .mbtiles file and access maps from Mapbox platform.
- Offline maps
To use an offline map in Mapit you need to generate .mbtiles file using your favourite software (e.g.Maperitive, MapTiler, qGIS or other software available) and put it into internal or external device memory to MapIt->OfflineMaps folder.
You can download sample file (Glen Etive UK). The above sample file can be visible from zoom level 12 to 16.

Offline Maps – one file presented in SDCard->MapIt->OfflineMaps

Offline Map – Glen Etive area UK

Offline Map – Glen Etive area UK (zoomed in)
2. Mapbox Maps
Mapbox is very dynamically growing platform and one of the biggest providers of custom online maps. Create your account and access your maps in MapIt.
To start work with Mapbox you need to create an account and get the access token for your content.
The token is available from the project page of the Mapbox account:
Your personal access token must be set in MapIt Settings->Cloud Accounts->Mapbox->Mapbox Access Token:

Adding Mapbox access token.
The token verification take place when it is added and if the token is valid access to Mapbox content is granted:

Mapbox Maps – no token provided.

Number of standard Mapbox maps are being displayed when token is properly set in the settings.

If necessary custom map/project can be added MapBox project to MapIt

Sample custom Map from MapBox
Additional reading and resources:
You could give a hint that the extension is not free of charge. Even though it seems to be worth the money you have to spent (about 2€ atm)
Thanks for the nice article
Hi Florian, I have added the hint at the beginning of article, thanks for your feedback.
Just want to add that the offline mbtiles work like a charm if they are created with the free to use maperative application. The workflow is quite streamlined and well documented here.
You just have to transform the commonly used worldfiles (eg. .tfw, .jgw) into .georef XML files which are needed by maperative to display your rasterdata. Just take a look into the maperative google group for more info.
Thanks for info.
I will check your suggestions in the near future and will update the article to include the method of creating mbtiles from georeferenced raster.
Hi Florian, I have created new article, fill free to comment if I have missed anything
Can’t access mbtiles, that are stored on SD-card im /MapIt/OfflineMaps. Only the mbtiles stored on the tablet are shown and accessible in MapIt Pro.
How can i change this, so that I can share large mbtiles-datasets with other apps, without the need of copying them twice in the rom of my tablet (Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014).
I will put this as a feature request.
I will check both locations and if possible get that implemented in the near future.
There is a way to use google / bing maps offline. Saving in memory / cache of specific regions, just like google does in its app?
Hi, no there is no such option. It is against Google Terms of Service to cache tiles locally by 3rd party apps. If you need kind of basemap for offline work please use mbtiles solution.
And the option to use the OpenStreetMaps? it’s possible?
For OpenStreetMap map I would recommend this ( or this ( solution to create offline tiles in mbtiles format…