Project Point Method
Project point method for adding points can be used in conjunction with any range finder which measures horizontal distance and true bearing to a target.
In the example below we will construct a line using the ‘Project Point Method’ but it can be used with any type of geometry type in MapIt.
1. Enable ‘Project Point Method’
To be able to use the ‘Project Point’ method for add point action you need to go to ‘Survey Settings’ and switch on the ‘Distance & Bearing’ option.

Distance & Bearing method enabled
2. Setting the BASE point.
Assuming that you have already a line layer set as active please add new feature and press ‘Add Point’ button on the map toolbar. When the ‘Project point’ (Bearing & distance ) method is enabled when the button is pressed a dialog window will be displayed allowing you to place new point.
To set current location (this can be either the GPS position when centre on GPS is on or current cursor location) as a base please check option ‘Mark this point as Base‘ and set bearing and distance to 0. then press save.

Project Point – No existing base yet
New point will be added to the map.
If you would like to exclude this point from the line, press the back button – that operation will remove the point, however the base point will be still remembered by the system.
Please note you can have only one active base – and this base can be used across multiple layers and features.
3. Adding subsequent points
When the base is set you can press the ‘Add point’ button and add new points providing distance & true bearing. Please make sure ‘Use base location’ is ticked as a source point.

Project point from base
Using the method above you can add multiple points to get the line built.

Constructed line
Hi. What a great App! I used to work with SAC (now SRUC) Environmental Consultancy. If this had been available 10 years ago it would have blown my mind.
Would it be possible to integrate Android range finder apps like those found at
And would it be possible to auto-record phone sensor data?
Keep up the good work
Hi Ali, In the next update 3.8.0 I will add support for the Laser rangefinders. LTI True Pulse 360B and Trimble LaserAce™ 1000 has been tested but if external device supports Bluetooth connections and the output is consistent with NMEA standard you should be able to use it with MapIt.
I do not know the app you refer too, but I will have a look and let you know if I can add support for it.
This is a great extension of Mapit’s offset point facility. Well done Andrzej. And a request: please keep Mapit oriented towards professional users rather than trying to make it a do-everything tool.
Robert, Melbourne
Hi, can you public some video how to use “Project Point Method” – I turned it on in Settings, but I can’t use it if I try adding new points.
Hi Piotr, I will try to add some video in the near future.