Measurement tool
In version 3.4.2 on request of number of users new tool has been added into MapIt.
The ‘Measurement tool’ allows to measure distances and areas without the need to create a feature. To activate the tool just make a single click on the ‘Measurement button’ – to switch between the ‘Distance’ and ‘Area’ mode – press longer on the button.
Depending what mode is selected you can measure distances or areas. Long Press the button to change the mode.

Measurement Tool – Distance Mode

Measurement Tool – Area mode
When the tool is active (pink color) – the line or polygon is being drawn on the map when you add vertexes by using the ‘Add Point’ button on the toolbar. You can remove the last added point by pressing the ‘Back’ button on the toolbar.
The ‘Measurement Tool’ button can be hidden in ‘General Settings’:

Show/Hide Measurement Tool
Measurement tool can be activated or de-activated with a single click on the button.
Can you tell me how to add vertex on a polygon feature by adding vertex manually? And, how do I modify the polygon by just moving the added vertex ?
“how do I modify the polygon by just moving the added vertex” – Yes this is the only way at the moment.
Can I save and export my map created by measurement tool?
Hi, no – the measurement tool is designed to do quick measurement on the map. If you need to do some permanent measurements you need to create a layer and draw your polygons or polylines there.
I am have a problem with the measure tool. It isn’t showing the total distance at the bottom of the page. The bearing shows up and I also have the intermediate distances but I’m not seeing the total distance. It also does it on the area measure – I get the perimeter but not the area. Do you have any suggestions as to what the problem might be?