MapIt – Navigation Drawer
The Navigation drawer can be opened using the icon in the top-left corner of the main screen or by by moving your finger across the screen from the left edge of the device to the right.
The navigation drawer slides in from the left and allows navigation between the major modules of the application.
Below you can find quick description of the options available with links to separate help articles if available.

MapIt – Navigation Drawer
1. Base Map selection – there you can find a number of available online map sources. Just pick the one you need from the drop-down list.
2. Google Overlays – MapIt can display overlays to the standard base map. You can use WMS or ArcGIS Tiled Map Services as sources for a overlay. Please follow the articles below to get more information. A separate extension or MapIt Pro is required to use this function.
3. Mapbox & Offline Maps – to use offline maps you need a separate extension or MapIt Pro. Please follow the links below to get more information:
- Offline maps & Mapbox Extension
- Generating mbtiles from an image
- Generating mbtiles using node.js and Mapnik
4. Set Active Layer – You can use this action to quickly swap the active layer. If you want to hide the warning message when switching the layer, you can do it in the app settings. To be able to add new features to the active layer please make sure the ‘Measurement Tool’ is switched off and the desired layer name is displayed in the status bar.
5. Manage Layers – Data in MapIt can be organised in layers. Each layer supports one single geometry type, so a layer can only hold points or lines or polygons. To be able to add/register new data you need to have one of the layers set as active.
‘Manage Layers‘ allows operations like Add/Edit/Export/Clear/Remove or see underlying features for every layer.
Please follow the articles below to get more information related to layers:
6. Manage Attributes – Attributes can be organised in attribute sets and then optionally set as default when you create a new layer. Attributes can be defined once and used by multiple layers, allowing you to pick predefined values from the drop-down lists. Each attribute set should contain one or more attribute fields and each such field should contain some values.
To allow free text/number entry for a field instead of the drop-down list, declare the field as a Text Box – you can also define the data type and set a default field value.
More information is available in following articles:
7. Backup Management – For security reasons you should always keep a copy of your actual data. You can use this module to create a copy of the entire MapIt database and restore the data again if required.
8. MapIt Extensions – you can check available MapIt extensions and their status in this section.
Hi Andrzej,
in Navigator I can select Open Street Map as Base Map and it is shown.
But this selection is not saved. When MapIt was closed and started again Google Map is shown as Base Map automatically.
Is it possible to save the Base Map selection?
Thanks, Inge