Google Maps Overlays (WMS, Arc GIS Server Tiled Services)
Starting from version 1.5.0 there is an option to add an overlay when browsing Google Maps. To activate the overlay please open the navigation drawer and select “Manage Google Overlays” option.
The overlays are WMS or ArcGIS Server Tiled map services. There are several pre-configured maps which can be added straight to the map view e.g. :

Esri – US Topographic Map

WMS – Czech Republic – Topographic map
There is no guarantee that all services are compatible with MapPad as some of them are using local or national coordinate systems which are not compatible with Web Mercator projection.
However as long as you can see support for CRS:84, EPSG:4326 or EPSG:3857 in the capabilities file there is great chance that the service will be displayed in MapPad as expected.
To add the service in MapIt just copy and paste the URL’s provided below – when getting URL’s from other services please do not include any URL parameters e.g.
URL to get Capability File:
To MapIt you have to paste only
Also if you find a services working with MapIt and you think they might be useful for other people, please share that as a comment to this article…
WMS Services:
Service description
Service description
Service description
Service description
Service description
Service description
Service description
Service description
ArcGIS Server Tiled Services:
Service description
Service description
Service description
I am interested to import my own georeferenced map into mapit. Is there an extension that allows me to do so?
Hi, if you publish your map as WMS or ArcGIS Server tiled map service (Google Maps set of scales) and WGS84 projection you can use it as overlay using the extension from this article. Optionally you can convert it to mbtiles and access it offline in MapIt using Offline Maps extension.
You can access your own maps if you publish them as WMS or ArcGIS Tiled Service. If it is required for offline work you need to get your data converted to mbtiles.
To understand well to this application I would like to ask you directly. If I need WMS service I have to buy Google Maps Overlays extension. Is it correct? And if I would like to import/export *.shp files I need what extension? Please, could you provide me the prices? Thanks for your answer!
Hi JD, yes you need to get “Google Maps Overlays” extension to be able to use WMS services and “Export Data” extension to export the data. Alternatively you can buy MapIt Pro and get all the extensions enabled. The price will be displayed when you click buy – you do not need to continue the purchase flow.
Am I able to set an http referer option before putting in a map service? Will it import WMTS format?
Hi there, the secured services are not supported. WMTS services are not supported at the moment as well.