Export Data – File Formats
MapIt can export data to number of well known formats. At the moment following formats are supported:
SHP files, CSV, KML, geoJSON, ArcGIS JSON, DXF (Geometry Only).

Export Screen
1. SHP File
Available from version 4.3.0 (published on Google Play on 28-10-2016).
A Shape File is a useful format to exchange Geo information, however it does have some limitations.
- Field names are truncated to 9 characters, please use short names for your attributes to avoid meaningless names.
- Maximum length of the Text Type fields is 128 characters.
- A complete SHP File consists of 3 – 9 single files (*.shp is only one of them) looking at it in a Windows explorer outside a GIS software. This can lead to errors when e.g. copying a SHP file and missing one of the “sub files”.
2. CSV File
CSV files are very common files with a very simple structure. Each line contains of a data record and the (attribute) values of it are separated by a delimiter (e.g. comma, semicolon, space). MapIt uses commas to separate the values in a row.
You can open a CSV file with any text editor – the raw file looks like on the picture below:
Most GIS and other professional third party software can import CSV files, so the data can be processed and analysed. Below you can find some examples of imported CSV files:
3. KML File
Keyhole Markup Language (KML) are files commonly used when working with Google Maps. The format is in fact a XML file. Single point feature created by MapIt looks as follow:
<Placemark> <name>WPT6</name> <description> Sample Point Layer Attributes: Species:Oak Height:5-10 Notes:good condition Attributes are also available as KML Extended Data </description> <Point> <coordinates>-4.02283675968647,55.79513353527385</coordinates> <ExtendedData> <Data name="Species"><value>Oak</value></Data> <Data name="Height"><value>5-10</value></Data> <Data name="Notes"><value>good condition</value></Data> </ExtendedData> </Point> </Placemark>
You can open it e.g. with Google Earth:
KML files can also be processed by a number of other mobile or desktopapplications.
4. GeoJSON
GeoJSON is a relatively new open source geo format. However it is becoming very popular as a way of sharing spatial data.
Using the free online tool called OGRE http://ogre.adc4gis.com you can convert data from GeoJSON to other formats and vice versa.
GeoJSON is a simple text file, however the data is structured and composed of JSON objects.
Raw .geojson file content:
{"features":[{"id":5,"type":"Feature","properties":{"Notes":"good condition","created":"2014-12-03 21:03:50","altitude":-1,"description":"Sample Point Layer","name":"WPT6","Height":"5-10","Species":"Oak","accuracy":-1},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-4.02283675968647,55.79513353527385]}},{"id":4,"type":"Feature","properties":{"Notes":"need treetment","created":"2014-12-03 21:03:29","altitude":-1,"description":"Sample Point Layer","name":"WPT5","Height":"5-10","Species":"Pine","accuracy":-1},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-4.022031091153622,55.79157530978487]}},{"id":3,"type":"Feature","properties":{"Notes":"water problem","created":"2014-12-03 21:03:10","altitude":-1,"description":"Sample Point Layer","name":"WPT4","Height":"0-5","Species":"Oak","accuracy":-1},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-4.020425118505955,55.78937194215658]}},{"id":2,"type":"Feature","properties":{"Notes":"red leaves","created":"2014-12-03 21:02:51","altitude":-1,"description":"Sample Point Layer","name":"WPT3","Height":"0-5","Species":"Oak","accuracy":-1},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-4.018249176442623,55.78838906691654]}},{"id":1,"type":"Feature","properties":{"Notes":"broken","created":"2014-12-03 21:02:31","altitude":-1,"description":"Sample Point Layer","name":"WPT2","Height":"5-10","Species":"Oak","accuracy":-1},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-4.016924500465393,55.787137344864256]}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} The same data in the JSON viewer:
The GeoJSON data can be rendered by number of online APIs like Leaflet, ESRI ArcGIS JS API, Open Layers API etc.
ArcGIS JSON is a format used by ESRI and ArcGIS Server Rest API. ArcGIS 10.2 has introduced new JSON toolset – using “JSON To Features (Conversion)” tool with few clicks you can convert ArcGIS JSON file to feature class:
The raw ArcGIS JSON format looks as follow:
{"features":[{"attributes":{"Notes":"good condition","created":"2014-12-03 21:03:50","altitude":-1,"description":"Sample Point Layer","name":"WPT6","Height":"5-10","Species":"Oak","accuracy":-1},"geometry":{"spatialReference":{"wkid":4326},"y":55.79513353527385,"x":-4.02283675968647}},{"attributes":{"Notes":"need treetment","created":"2014-12-03 21:03:29","altitude":-1,"description":"Sample Point Layer","name":"WPT5","Height":"5-10","Species":"Pine","accuracy":-1},"geometry":{"spatialReference":{"wkid":4326},"y":55.79157530978487,"x":-4.022031091153622}},{"attributes":{"Notes":"water problem","created":"2014-12-03 21:03:10","altitude":-1,"description":"Sample Point Layer","name":"WPT4","Height":"0-5","Species":"Oak","accuracy":-1},"geometry":{"spatialReference":{"wkid":4326},"y":55.78937194215658,"x":-4.020425118505955}},{"attributes":{"Notes":"red leaves","created":"2014-12-03 21:02:51","altitude":-1,"description":"Sample Point Layer","name":"WPT3","Height":"0-5","Species":"Oak","accuracy":-1},"geometry":{"spatialReference":{"wkid":4326},"y":55.78838906691654,"x":-4.018249176442623}},{"attributes":{"Notes":"broken","created":"2014-12-03 21:02:31","altitude":-1,"description":"Sample Point Layer","name":"WPT2","Height":"5-10","Species":"Oak","accuracy":-1},"geometry":{"spatialReference":{"wkid":4326},"y":55.787137344864256,"x":-4.016924500465393}}],"displayFieldName":"name","spatialReference":{"latestWkid":4326,"wkid":4326},"fieldAliases":{"Notes":"Notes","created":"created","altitude":"altitude","description":"description","name":"name","Height":"Height","accuracy":"accuracy","Species":"Species"},"fields":[{"type":"esriFieldTypeString","alias":"Species","name":"Species"},{"type":"esriFieldTypeString","alias":"Height","name":"Height"},{"type":"esriFieldTypeString","alias":"Notes","name":"Notes"},{"type":"esriFieldTypeString","alias":"name","name":"name"},{"type":"esriFieldTypeString","alias":"description","name":"description"},{"type":"esriFieldTypeString","alias":"created","name":"created"},{"type":"esriFieldTypeDouble","alias":"altitude","name":"altitude"},{"type":"esriFieldTypeDouble","alias":"accuracy","name":"accuracy"}],"geometryType":"esriGeometryPoint"} And the more human JSON structure:
6. DXF (Geometry Only)
DXF is a CAD data file format developed by Autodesk for enabling the data interoperability between AutoCAD and other programs.
MapIt geographic data can be exported to DXF, however there are some limitations you should know :
- Each exported layer starts in 0,0 position (geographic coordinates will not be maintained).
- Polygon Layers are being exported as line elements.
- If your CAD environment is able to access DXF extended data properties – each element is containing original MapIt ID -, so other attribute data can be added but some post processing is required.
Download : Sample DXF Files
When taking photos with MapitGIS, how can the photos data be exported/linked with the points when importing into QGIS?
Hi Lynne, all points are saved in SDCard->MapIt->Pictures->Your Layer Name->Feature ID, you need to copy them over manually to your PC and then link somehow from qGIS, however I am not qGIS expert and cannot comment on this.
Thanks! Is there anyway to get the photo’s file name (ie “xxxx.jpg”) into the export file in an attribute field? I’ve figured out how to manually tag a photo to each point on QGIS but it would be much less tedious if the file name data was already attached to the point.
Yes, it should be possible however I need to think about it as some people are having more than one picture attached to the point. I am afraid it will be also difficult to get it implemented in April and it can be only looked at some point in May.
Is there a way of exporting points and pictures taken in those points all together in a kml file?
Not at the moment Alvaro, but this feature is going to be looked at in Q1 next year.
Hi, very good app!! I am really enjoy it, I was using another one app similar to this one where I can save the KML file with comments, notes, photos etc and then I can export a kml file and open it in Google Earth with all the fields (text and numbers) and the Photos that I have in each waypoint automatically . with Mapit I can export the KML and visualize all the fields but not the Photos in each waypoint. How I can do this in Mapit?….is possible work with the photos as a field in google earth?. if not, is a very cool and very useful.
Hi Steve, at the moment – it’s not possible, but this feature (export to KMZ) is going to be looked at in Q1 next year.
good news…..I’m waiting for this!!
I prefer export my data (csv) y work on it in excel, resolve mistakes etc, but how can convert my excel file o csv to KML/KMZ file?
You can save your data as CSV directly from Excel, just Google it if you are not sure how to do that. If you need to convert your data to a KML you can use software like ArcGIS or qGIS to do so, as well just Google it to get more details.
Please do remember however that when you import the data back to MapIt it will not import all the fields but only geometry, name and description.
I have exported point, line and polygon data as GPX files but when loaded onto QGIS the attributes are missing. CSV export of the point files has worked fine.
Also having problems converting the GeoJson files to shapefiles using Ogre. Any idea of what is going wrong?
I have sorted out the GeoJson conversion to shapefiles.
when exporting a line to geosjon or shape GIS will always show the line “closed” like “polygon”.
I am using ArcGIS and QGIS.
Do you have a fix for this problem?
Jürgne Schicker
Hi Jürgen, I will get this checked…